
Amart Charity Foundation

Welcome to ACF

Amart Charity Foundation


Amart Charity Foundation (U) was conceived in 2019 and it immediately embarked on charitable activities, but it was not until August 2022 that it was officially registered as a non-governmental organization (NGO) in Uganda under the sponsorship of Amart Construction Company Limited.  In the course of carrying out different construction projects in the rural areas of Uganda, Mr. Kakooza Martin felt touched by the suffering of some rural community members and decided on a philanthropic route. Together with other good-hearted persons he has been contributing, especially in the areas where Amart Construction Company has been carrying out its activities, to the alleviation of the misery of some rural poor. Different projects have been carried out since inception like: providing food relief, supplying scholastic materials to the needy and vulnerable households around the country and skilling them.

We started humbly and we are expanding both in our geographical and service coverage and scope. So far, we are giving charity offers to some rural poor in 10 districts in the Eastern part of Uganda, 3 from West Nile and 5 districts in the Central Region; eventually we hope to cover the whole Uganda.

Amart Charity Foundation
Together We Can Change The World

Our Areas of Focus

Health Care Program

Poor sanitation, drainage systems and management of rubbish leads to frequent outbreaks of typhoid….

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Amart Charity Foundation

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It is always necessary to support the future generation. Under our organization’s operational budget, ever since we came into force several activities have been carried out in collaboration with both local and international partners and local communities as the major stakeholders.